Saturday, October 20, 2007

RGRTA? Make it G.R.E.A.T.!

After moving away from Rochester and living in Florida for 14 years and riding buses for over twenty-five years, I have some suggestions that may make the RGRTA system much easier to use and better overall. I have prepared a more formal proposal to give to them but for the public, here are the basics of it.

Saying RGRTA is just shy of a tounge-twister and it doesn't have a "nice" sound to it. Something less corporate and friendlier would be better. Tampa shortened Hillsborough Area Regional Transit to HARTline and it made a great difference. Applying a similar approach to RGRTA, we might use a catchier name like "GREATride" which comes from Greater Rochester Extended Area Transit (G.R.E.A.T.)" There would be a wide variety of marketing slogans and tag lines available.

Another option for a new name would be "ROGER transit" which comes from ROchester GEnessee Regional transit authority. The marketing might go something like "Ride with ROGER" to work, for errands or to play. If they want an icon to put a face to, use the front of the bus and make it look more like a face. A third version might be "Reggie" from the "REGional" part of the RGRTA.

Looking at many of the routes, they are misleading. "15 Latta" only hits a small part of Latta Rd and "6 Jefferson" only goes a very short way on Jefferson. Many of the routes are like this, as well as not running on a defined easy to read or remember schedule and route. They need to update ALL the routes and run them in a grid (with a few exceptions). Then number them in an easy pattern. I know many of these routes have been in service for more than 30 years but keeping them just because they have been there has created many challenges and conflicts in using RGRTA.

ROGER would have service running routes with even numbers East-West and odd numbers run North-South. Since some streets run diagonal there would be a few routes that might have a grouping like all numbered 60s or something. The numbering could also be broken into regions like NE, NW, SE, SW, and outer/extended areas.

Another suggestion in this area is to have the buses run "dual alternating routes" which it like having bus #101 run the Route 1 Lake Ave to downtown then when it hits the downtown transit center it becomes #1 again. This pattern lets buses run more routes while shortening the time between routes to have stops every hour or so instead of every 73 minutes like the Lake Avenue route. While we are talking time, run major buses earlier and later in the day so evening and night shift workers can get to & from work a little easier.

Simple, easy to remember routes and schedules are what people want when using the transit system. Making it too hard to remember how the system works will turn riders away.

The few major transit centers are the malls and the downtown square. While these work, they could use a little improvement. Make them more "welcoming" and have routes that serve the area and that connect to "crosstown" and local routes. This makes it easier to catch a bus from a local area to transit center, then crosstown to another TC, then on to a local route.

While marking bus stops with signs is nice, LABELING the sign with the route numbers that stop there would be much better for riders. Many transit systems do this and it makes a big difference in finding your way along the system. Think of it this way, a new rider or an infrequent rider is less likely to ride the bus if they do not know what routes stop near their home. By labeling the stop with route numbers it makes it easier for new patrons to see that Routes 1,6,& 16 stop there so they can see what buses they live near and what buses connect at that stop. Since RGRTA has the confusing system of running alternate segments (like the Route 1 with its 4 route variations), GREATride/ROGER would improve signage to show at a glance that this is a limited stop and is not served on every run. I know there is a bus stop in front of my apartment complex but I and others have not seen a bus actually stop or even go by it in over two years. Limited stops could be signaled by color bands or color circles behind the route number that it refers to.

Along with this, the large system-wide route map that shows where routes run should be readily available like route schedules are.

The Freedom passes are a good thing. The one-zone-one-fare is not. It was created to make money for RGRTA. They disguised it by saying it is easier to remember. Transfers were easy to remember. One transfer, one connecting route. But now if you are going to take two buses somewhere, you have to take two to get back so spend the $3 for the one-day unlimited pass so you can stop along the way as needed.

So what do you think about these ideas? Will they work? Would they make it easier to "Take a GREAT ride" or "Ride with ROGER" or am I just wasting my time? I invite the public to comment on my proposal to gauge how riders and the public view my suggestions. Provide your input by posting your comments on this blog topic. I would be interested in hearing from current anf former RGRTA employees, and riders.

Thank you for reading my suggestions to improve RGRTA to benefit all of the Greater Rochester Area.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Apple of My Eye

In 2001, my wife made a promise to me. It took four years to follow through with it but I FINALLY got it! After thinking what I wanted and convincing the ocularist, I have a new and improved look. It is not noticeable at first so you'll have to get very, very close to see it. If you do, look carefully and see what's there. . .

Thanks for visiting my "eyemac" blog If you wish to comment, please feel free to do so. -Ron

I should note that Apple Computers owns the trademarked for the Apple logo and it was my decision (with some begging to the ocularist) to have this prosthetic eye made with the Apple logo in 2005.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Abbott's Frozen Custard used My Idea! :-D

Well, it seems Abbott's Frozen Custard decided to use my idea after all! If you have seen the new Abbott's treat - Frozen Cannolis, give them a try. Although they decided to go with an ice cream filling flavored as vanilla or chocolate instead of my suggested cannoli cream, but hey, they liked it enough to use it! Here is my original email to them . . .

Subject: Flavorful new idea from a customer
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 2:12:55 AM

Dear Abbott's,
I am a long-time customer of your brand of frozen treats (over 30 years now). My craving for frozen custard is second to my love of cannolis. So, I would like to suggest a new flavor and spin on it.
Although i do not know how you make the rich flavors in your custard, but if you could make a cannoli cream custard, perhaps like the flavor from Wegman's, Salvatore's or Guido's Pasts Villa's cannolis.

As for the cone part, it would be a good match to have the cone made out of cannoli crust to give the flavor combo the perfect lend.

Why make cannoli custard? Abbott's started in Rochester, where cannolis are found on many restaurant menus, and in many bakeries, and grocery stores. They are as much a part of Rochester as Abbott's, Wegman's, Xerox and Kodak. I think the "Cannolli Cone" would be a great seller. Perhaps you could try a test batch as an event like Harborfest or July 4th week and see what the public thinks. I know there is research and focus group testing and marketing but maybe you could start with a customer poll at all Abbott's locations in Rochester as a less costly method to track public opinion then go from there.

My experience is in multimedia including working for news, production and promotions for television and radio stations in cities that rank in the top 25 population centers (Tampa, Orlando) before moving back home to Rochester (which ranks 74th). I also have my own promotions and production business and would be willing to run tasting events around Rochester to help introduce the new flavor.

I am not interested in your decision to use me or my services for any part of this. I am more serious about the Cannoli Cone frozen treat you could do well with in this wonderful city we all call home. I would like to hear your comments (positive or not) and any feedback you can provide on my suggestion and your implementing it. I can be reached using the contact info below my signature line.

Tank you for taking your time to read my suggestion and consider it for action Have a prosperous and happy year.

Ron Durbin
Abbott's customer
. . .
Ron Durbin